BOM Pack & Go

CycleOp’s BOM Pack & Go is the easiest way to export data from your PLM system and share it with your sub-contractors, suppliers and manufacturers.

A single click of a button generates a complete BOM package with every related document

A one-time license key is all that’s needed to use this tool, and easily share data with your business partners worldwide

Generic tool

Pack & Go uses standard tools so there’s no need to install special clients or tools. A link to a file or a zipped file is attached to an email message which is forwarded by the person who initiated the operation

Configurable and easy to install

Easily installed and configured. Ready for work in less than an hour

Easily extendable

Easily extract any data related to your product including BOMs, Documents, CAD Documents, MPN data and any other information you require

Easily share

It’s real easy to share your data with business partners. See the movie for a quick demo of how the Pack & Go tool works

Focus on your work, not your tools

Instead of going through your BOM and extracting your documents, CAD documents and BOM – Automate by using the Pack & Go and save valuable time when working with partners, sub-contractors and suppliers. Click to see the movie

Want to know more? Need to share data with your vendors or contract manufacturers?

If you are looking to exchange data with any external source such as CM’s, OEM’s or vendors  – Contact us and we will show you how the Pack & Go tool is able to help you easily exchange data.

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E-CAD Connector datasheet

Go through all product features. We are certain it will exceed your expectations.

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